Friday, March 7, 2008

I Hate Pachelbel

I want to take a break from theology tonight with something that made me laugh straight through. Originally, this blog wasn't going to be all about matters of faith, but the muse had other plans. Yes, I'm punny, no need to mention it. ;) )

By the way, Pachelbel's name really was Johann.


Jeffery said...

That was the funniest freakin thing in the whole freakin world! It's so true though. Pachabel's Canon is just a few basic chords over and over again... and many artists don't know theory anymore so they only go by what sounds good... what sounds good? the movement of fifths that the cello (and upright bass) play in Pachabel's cannon... lawl... oh I might just watch that again...

Raleigh said...
