Thursday, January 19, 2012


I don't often write poems anymore, let alone post them publicly. But when the urge to write one does come along, it's fast and furious,  and more often than not they come out almost ready-made.

This one encompasses nicely everything I took away from the retreat, and the direction I'm trying to go in now. Enjoy.

January 11, 2012

I need
To think.

Slow down,
Breathe in;

To look up and search for those
Little streaks of You
That I see mixed in, just barely,
In the paint of the night sky.

I need
To remember.

To dig deep,
Wake up;

To shake off the haze of this
Complacent status quo
That I built, like a wall
Around my fragile faith.

I need
To let go.

To realize Your love is the strength
Running through my veins
That I receive even if
It’s the last thing I deserve.

I need
To accept.

…That I am not an island in this world.
…That life is never perfect,
…That I am not perfect.

But even so,
I am Yours.

And for that,
I am beautiful.

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